SurgeMetrix Style Guide



SurgeMetrix square logo


SurgeMetrix horizontal logo


SurgeMetrix stacked logo



A bold green used for accents, calls-to-action, and small splashes of color


It's just White. Appropriate for backgrounds, and light text on a dark background.


A light grey. Appropriate as an alternate background color, or to provide depth.


A medium grey. Appropriate for dividers, icons, and more.


Dark grey. Good for where you need a dark background with light text, or as an alternate text color.


It's like, how much more black could this be and the answer is none. None more black.


A bold orange. Use sparingly. Primarily for contrasting CTAs (like a chat button).

Name Usage

Anytime the word Surge is used as part of a product or company name, it should be rendered in the standard green color. The rest of the name should be rendered in black.


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Montserrat, from Google Fonts

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